Kyle Isbell, center fielder of Kansas City in the U.S. Major League Baseball (MLB), was hit by a foul ball in the face in the game against Tampa Bay at Tropicana Field in Florida on the 26th.
Garrett Clevinger, who took the mound as Tampa Bay’s relief pitcher in the seventh inning of the game, threw his fastball at 155 km/h, hit the bat swung by Kyle, and bounced back to the top of his nose. The strong rebound removed his batting helmet, and Isabel was in pain while holding his knee. Isabel, who suffered a facial laceration, left the dugout bleeding.토토사이트 모음
If the pitcher’s ball hits the body or clothes of the batter, the batter becomes a dead ball if the referee judges that the batter was inevitable, and the batter becomes a runner and advances to first base. However, Isbell swung at a fast sinker near his body, hit by the handle of the bat, and the ball bounced towards his face. Isbell was replaced due to the injury, and pinch hitter Deron Blanco came out to hit the sacrifice fly to right field.
“I think we were really lucky,” Kansas City manager Matt Quattaro said after the game. “I don’t know exactly what the ball hit, but it got stuck in Isbel’s nose and it gave him a relatively simple wound.” Quattaro said, “Isbel told us that there was no problem with seeing with both eyes.”
Isbell was excluded from the lineup against Tampa Bay on the 27th.
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