Saturday, 27th July 2024

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Cullen Commission investigation about alleged money laundering practices at local casino properties.

The former director of Crown Corporation filed for status for the first time in a 2019 investigation, but the request was withdrawn within a month. And in March 2020, Mr Alderson was summoned to the committee, but he refused to be summoned because he was due to return to Australia. Later, the committee made many attempts to contact him, but to no avail.

After the Commission failed to reach Mr Alderson, he has now decided to deal with the accusations of his actions and the facts relating to the BCLC term. He has now agreed to testify in the money laundering investigation, but an official date has not yet been revealed. The committee will also summon Ernst & Young’s Robert Boyle.

While serving as the head of anti-money laundering at the Royal Institution, Mr Alderson wrote many reports and guidelines on casinos in the province. In April, Attorney General David Evey testified in an investigation that Mr Alderson stood out because of concerns that confidential information could be captured by the media. Mr Evey then sought advice from Peter German, a former RCMP officer, but Mr Alderson quickly resigned from his role.

Commissioner Austin Cullen listed a number of evidence that he leaked confidential Crown Corporation information to the media during his tenure in the gaming industry from 2008 to 2017. In addition, Mr Alderson intervened in several anti-money laundering protocols proposed by investigators, such as interviewing and sanctioning sponsors for failing to provide chip liability and cash evidence.

According to the findings, the former BCLC agent also took no action on proposals to find the source of suspected cash flow to the casino and stopped sharing information with the gaming policy and enforcement departments. He also falsely accused Robert Kröcker, another former BCLC executive, of instructing employees to ease cash trading guidelines.

additional testimony
In the Cullen commission’s investigation, an earlier series of investigations was recalled by former gaming minister Richard Coleman. During the testimony in April, some charges were filed, including turning a blind eye to the money laundering issue and manipulating the RCMP, and in 2009, he was also accused of dismantling the illegal game team without sufficient police intervention.

While testifying in the money laundering investigation, former attorney general Kash Heed spoke about a recorded phone conversation between him and his lifelong friend, former RCMP officer Fred Pinock.



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