The garments that will be donated are resort uniforms that include male and female suits, blouses, shirts, ties, and workpants in colors and styles that are either not used by Agua Caliente any longer or were discontinued by its vendors. Most items have never been worn.
Lorena Landeros, manager of Agua Caliente’s Wardrobe Department spearheaded the clothing donation. She volunteers at Martha’s Village and says she’s seen firsthand what a difference these types of donations can make. “Martha’s Village provides access to employment preparation and career development to those who are struggling in our community. I believe that by donating these garments, we can give Martha’s “customers” a professional appearance when they go out to job interviews, or when they are hired for a job. It’s truly priceless.”
Bob Maloney, assistant general manager at Agua Caliente Casino Resort Spa says the donation is a win-win. “I am so proud to have team members like Lorena who bring us great ideas. This is a terrific way to support our team members, the causes that are important to them, as well as our local community. We’re so happy we can help.”
Martha’s Village & Kitchen is the largest provider of homeless services in Riverside County, California. The array of programs and services Martha’s Village & Kitchen offers provides its members the tools to become self-sufficient and break the cycle of homelessness. Martha’s Village considers itself to be more than just a soup kitchen; it is a full-service center designed to offer a helping hand to the most vulnerable members of the community. More information can be found at MarthasVillage 릴게임